Friday, Sept. 16, 2005

We Almost Become Dizzy

My condo is slowly getting cleaner and things are finding good spaces. I spent a good amount of time last night organizing and putting things aways.

I'm down to 2 boxes.

I still don't feel like it's my place yet, mostly because i don't know where half my shit is. And things that are already put away, are in a different place than I would normally put. I guess I just need more time to get used to everything.

And I get my cable and internet tonight...if C0mcast doesn't fuck up again.

Nothing much is going on.

Jay-W was "ordered" to bedrest. Conveniently as the new program she was assigned to was to begin. I'm waiting to see how all this plays out.

They didn't want to fire her because she was pregnant, so instead they gave her another program that is a lot of work for one person. Which means it's going to be "so overwhelming" for her since she's so fucking lazy and tries to find every excuse possible NOT to do her part. But now, she's the only one. There is no one else to fall back. I certainly won't be there because I have my own program to run....a program that takes 2 people to run, but one that I've been running basically by myself for the past 2 years. And she has no one to blame now when things fall apart. It all rests on her.

Karma is a bitch. And I love her.

summerroll at 9:48 a.m.

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