Thursday, Apr. 07, 2005

Death to All MACs

When I came into work this morning, I tried logging in to my computer and nothing happened. I called the tech guys, told them my computer was acting funky, and they just looked at me like I was crazy. As it turns out, my hard drive had a massive heart failure.

I knew it was coming. I saw signs of it on Saturday and I called the head tech and left him a message to check it out on Monday when he came him. And did he? Nope. They just waited for my system to completely crash. Luckily, they back up everyone�s files nightly, so nothing should be lost.

Since I have no computer and all the work I needed to do (or needed to pretend to do) are on said computer, who can guess what I did all day today? That�s right. Absolutely nothing. I continued my search for jobs, but there is still nothing.

This morning, as I was watching yesterday�s tape of Starting 0ver, my secret obsession, I had an intriguing thought, although probably not original. Wouldn�t it be great if we could fast-forward past certain events in our lives. Like today, which was so boring I almost poked my eye with a pencil. Or rewind to events that you wanted to experience again, like good sex or a good laugh. I don�t know. I was thinking about that for a while.

I have a slight headache today. At first I thought it was from staring at the computer too long. Then I remembered that I hit my head really hard last night. I was getting up from the toilet and I leaned all the way over to pull up my pants. When I straightened up, I smacked the back of my head into the towel holder frame. I just felt around back there and it�s still very tender. There�s probably a huge lump back there, but I�m not going to explore anymore because a lump on the back of my head would just freak me out.

I didn�t go to the gym yesterday, but I did go running around my block several times. I was very proud of myself. I will go to the gym today, though. Seeing those gym fees being deducted automatically at the beginning of every month on my statement is really all the motivation I need. The sad thing is that�s really the main reason that I work out on a regular basis now. When I worked out on my own, there really was no incentive or motivation (I know, being healthy and fit should be enough of an incentive), but throw money in the mix, and I will be sure to get my every penny�s worth of exercise. I guess that�s a good thing.

Tonight I�m meeting E out on South Beach for a little bit. One of our friends hosts some party at some club every Thursday night. We figured that since we always end up blowing her off (for valid reasons, i.e. work the next day) we should at least attend one of them some night. And tonight is that night. I just hope that my headache goes away by then.

summerroll at 3:54 p.m.

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