Friday, Mar. 03, 2006

I'm stuffy

I feel ANOTHER cold/flu common on!

This is the 3rd on is 3 months. Usually I get one bout of the cold/flu, usually around April or May, and that's it. I don't know what's going on with me this year. Maybe my body is a lot more exhausted than I thought. I need a nice vacation sometime soon.

So to combat this new batch of germs, I decided to try those Airborne tablets. Everyone I know who has used it says it works wonders, so I'll give it a go. I don't want to be all stuffy with a scratchy throat and watery eyes again. I hate being sick.

Hopefully this works.

I leave you all with a joke for the weekend:

Q: What's green and hops from bed to bed?

Wait for it......Wait for it......

A: A prostitoad!


Can you tell I need to get laid?

Have a great weekend everyone!

summerroll at 2:22 p.m.

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