Friday, Jan. 28, 2005

The Story of Gigi and Ass-wipe

I just found out last night that my old roommate, we�ll call her Gigi, just got engaged to her crazy-ass boyfriend, who we�ll call Ass-wipe. I�ve never mentioned her before because we don�t talk anymore. Long Story. But luckily, since I don�t feel like actually doing any work right now, I�ll tell it.

Gigi and I were both in the Marine Science program at school. Since the program is so demanding, there are usually 30-60 people in each graduating class, and we all basically end up in the same classes. This is how we met.

We ended up becoming really close friends. We had the same sense of humor, liked the same things, and we were both hard-core party animals. Once we graduated from college, we moved in together. This was in August 2003.

About 3 weeks before we moved in together, she started dating Ass-wipe. She met him through Ann, because both Ann and Ass-wipe were rowers in college, but Ass-wipe was a year ahead of us. Now, everyone that knew Ass-wipe said that he was indeed an �ass-wipe�. He was not a nice person and they said that he got psychotic when it came to his girlfriends. He even stalked one of his exes and has her named tattooed to his bicep. From my point-of-view, I was going to make my own observation on him, especially if Gigi liked him. And that didn�t go to well.

The first time they went out together, it was like a group thing with me, Gigi, Ass-wipe, and one of his friends. He also had a couple of friends that were meeting us out. Well, he basically ignored his friend and I the entire night. Then, when his other friends came, he introduced them only to Gigi, as if I wasn�t stand right next to her, which was not cool. From that night on, they were attached at the hip.

Then it became that we would all go out as a group and they would only talk to each other and make-out in a corner all night. It pissed all our friends off. If you come out in a group, then hang out with the group. Anyway, then she started blowing off phone calls and plans and stuff. One specific instance was when Ass-wipe went out of town and she was supposed to pick him up from the airport one particular afternoon. The night before, her and I had made plans to hang out together, just the two of us, which we hadn�t done in a couple of weeks because she was always with Ass-wipe. That morning, she told me that he called and asked her to pick him up, so we would have to go out a little later. I asked her if she just wanted to hang out with me the next night so that she could spend time with Ass-wipe that night. She said, �Oh no. I made plans with you, so we�re definitely going out tonight. Meet me at my house at 9:00.� So that was the plan. I drove from my apartment to her house (a 15 minute drive) and she wasn�t there. I had the key (because I was actually moving in the following the week), so I went in and decided to wait for her. After 20 minutes, I decided to give her a call. She didn�t pick up, so I left her a message and she called me back about 10 minutes later. She says, �Oh, Ass-wipe needed me to drive him to his parents house in Boca and I decided to stay with him. I called and left you a message, but I don�t know if it went through because the voicemail had a man on it, so I might have dialed the wrong number.�

Now, that sounds highly suspicious to me. If she thought she dialed the wrong number, why didn�t she dial the number again to make sure? According to her, she only called once and went ahead a left a message anyway. Who does that? I think, actually, I know, that she just didn�t call at all. That wasn�t the first time she �thought she left me a message� or forgot to call me back.

Of course it pissed me off. Not only was she blowing me off, but now she�s lying to my face. Plus, all our friends are pissed and are talking about her behind her back, which I didn�t like either. So, seeing as how I�m about to become her roommate within the next week, I decide to have a talk with her.

I tell her that I can see that she really likes Ass-wipe, but that it�s a little difficult to be around them when they only acknowledge each other. She tells me that she didn�t know I felt that way, but no one else has said the she�s alienating them. She was basically trying to say that I was the only one who had a problem with them. So I quickly corrected her and said that it wasn�t just me, it was everyone, they just didn�t want to say anything. She was a bit shocked at that. I told her, �you know how I am, I�ll tell you the truth and I don�t like that everyone�s talking about it when you�re not around but acting like everything�s okay when you are.� And I also told her that if her and Ass-wipe want to be alone, then be alone, don�t come out with the group. We would understand if they wanted to have a little private time. So we talked and everything �seemed� like it was okay.

After that, I noticed that Gigi started acting differently toward me. She really did believe that I was the only one who felt that way. So whenever I invited her anywhere, she would say that she wasn�t feeling well or she was too busy with school work (grad school) and shit. But, an hour later, Ass-wipe or Ass-wipe and some of his friends would call and come over and all of sudden she wasn�t busy or sick anymore.

Ass-wipe probably doesn�t sound so bad from what I�ve written and you�re probably wondering why I�m calling him Ass-wipe. Well, about a month after they�d been dating, we were all out together. Ass-wipe and his friends are known for getting drunk and starting fights. This particular night, one of Ass-wipes friends started a fight with this group of 3 guys. Lucky for us, those guys all turned out to be cops. Gigi and I start talking to the cops trying to calm them down, which started working until Ass-wipe jumped in and started picking a fight with the guys because as he saw it, they were Motherfuckers and they started it, knowing full well that his asshole friend started it. So Ass-wipe goes up to the biggest guy, gets right in his face, there foreheads and noses touching, and tells the guy he�s gonna kick his ass. Gigi tries to pull him off and Ass-wipe pushes her away from him and says, �get the fuck off of me.� The guys call their police friends who are actually working there that night to throw Ass-wipe and his friends out. Gigi starts crying and asks me to drive her home. As we�re driving out of the parking lot, Ass-wipe comes up to the car and asks her where she�s going. She tells him she�s going home so he says, �well fuck you, I don�t care what you fucking do.� We pull out of the parking lot and start driving down the street. Next thing I know, he�s on our tail, and he almost ran us off the road! I was livid. When we got to the house, I was about ready to start kicking his ass. So Gigi says that she�s gonna talk to him. The next day, they�re all lovey-dovey again, after the entire drive home she was talking about breaking it off with him and how she never lets a guy talk to her like that and blah, blah, blah. Then all of a sudden she had a different version of what happened that night,

Also, there was one point where Ann called Gigi after she learned they were dating and Ann told Gigi to be careful. Gigi told Ass-wipe what Ann had said and Ass-wipe called Ann and started demanding why she was trying to keep him and Gigi apart.

Anyway, it came to the point where our household was just stressed. Ass-wipe wasn�t around often because he was at Vanderbilt for grad school. But when he was around, she would ignore me and they would have loud-ass sex at all hours. To the point where she would be screaming at the top of her lungs, which is just uncalled for when you don�t live by yourself. And it couldn�t possibly be that good because it would only last for like 2 minutes.

It came to the point where I would just stop having personal conversations with her. I still talked to her, but we just didn�t have in-depth conversations anymore. I just felt like she didn�t want to listen to anything I had to say even though I was the only one being honest with her. Plus, I had gotten into a car accident one day and my wrecked car was parked outside our house and she never bothered to check to see if I was alright. In fact, she went to bed and then left for a field trip all day the next day, and didn�t ask me what happened until like 2 days later. If that�s how you treat your friends, then that�s not the kind of friend that I want.

Well, one day I walked in, said �good afternoon� to her and she pretended that she didn�t hear me and that she didn�t hear the door open. She just sat there and acted like she was concentrating so hard on what she was doing that she couldn�t be bothered to look up at the door or say hi. I just said OK, and went into my room. After, that we never really talked again.

Two months later in December, she told me that she was moving out. I said, ok, and went back to what I was doing. She stood at the door as if she was waiting for me to say something else. I looked back up and ask her if that was it. She said yeah, then walked away. She moved out and took a lot of my stuff with her. The only thing I asked for back was my cooking pot, which she replied that she doesn�t need anything of mine and how dare I accuse her of taking my pot because it was hers. I called her back, left her a nasty message reminding her that my previous roommate bought the pot and sent some messengers to drop it off. Bitch.

I warned you it was a long story.

I see her every once in a while now. She doesn�t say anything to me. She pretends like she doesn�t even see me. Once, when I was really drunk, I said hi to her to see what she would do and she just gave me this dumb little smile. Anyway, her and that Ass-wipe are due to get married. I just hope, for her sake, that he�s learned to control his psychotic tendencies.


Man, I really don�t feel like working today. I think I�ll start editing all that Gus stuff to post.

On a good note: the weather in Miami is finally getting back to normal, rain and all. I think I actually prefer the rain to the cold. Sorry for all of you up North. Brrr!

summerroll at 11:14 a.m.

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