Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005

We Might Be Dating Now

The basketball game last night was fun, but we lost. Wake Forrest thoroughly kicked our asses. It looked like an NBA team playing a High School team. It was truly sad. But I had a good time. I always have a good time when Gus is around.

Last night, Gus, his cousin, and I went to the Tit@nic to grab a beer before the game. It was packed, so we just stood at the bar talking. Gus was telling us how earlier that day he took a ruler, placed it on top of his head, marked the wall with it, and then measured how tall he was. He found out that he was 5�8�, when he thought he was 5�9�. His cousin and me made fun of him and told him that we thought he was 5�7�. He didn�t like that. Somehow, we got on the topic of �acting one�s age� and he proceeded to tell his cousin that I used to have pictures of Marky-Mark (my husband) in my room. Now, I don�t have those pictures anymore (I swear), and the only reason I had them up was because a friend ordered them for me for a birthday a couple years ago. So I said to Gus, �well you should be happy because Marky-Mark is only 5�8�, too.� So then he responded, "well if you take away the looks, the talent, and the money, you have me. Girl, you are practically dating Marky-Mark.�

I know he was joking when he said it, but he did use the word �dating�. So does that mean that we are dating now? It made me feel good when he said it. I�ve never �dated� someone before. And if I must date someone, then I want it to be Gus.

Plus, in the midst of this ridiculous conversation that we were having, he told me that I stood him up on Valentine�s Day. Although I hate V-day, I would have been perfectly happy to spend it with him. But the bastard told me all he was going to do was hang out on his couch for the rest of the night. I guess he was waiting for me to invite him to do something. Hey, I would have driven the 25 minutes to his house to hang out on his couch with him. I guess I need to become more proactive in my decisions with Gus, which I was last night. I invited him to Happy Hour at M0nty�s this Friday so we could get some quality time in together. And by that I mean so that I can get him drunk and take advantage of him. And, i can also ask him about the dating thing.

I�m really exhausted right now. I didn�t get much sleep last night. I went to bed around 10:30, but I woke up at 3 am. I had a toothache. I found out last week that I have my first cavity. When the doctor told me, I was like �what do you mean, cavity. What is this thing you call a cavity?� I realized a couple of months ago that something was wrong in my mouth because a certain area of my mouth was super-sensitive. I told my dentist, but he thought it was due to gingivitis, which it partly was. Come to find out it�s a fucking cavity. Anyway, the tooth hurt so damn bad that I could not sleep. So I just watched TV for a couple of hours hoping the pain would subside. When it didn�t, at 5:30, I finally decided to take a couple Tylenol. It�s the new 8-hour Tylenol that has 650mg acetaminophen per pill�I took 2. At around 6:15, I decided to try to get at least a 45-minut nap before 7:00 rolled around and I had to start getting ready. Man, those fucking pills kicked in as I was napping and I didn�t wake up until 8:15. And I was groggy. When I got to work, I had to take another one because the pain came back, and now I feel a little high. Hopefully, the pain and highness won�t get too bad and I�ll be able to survive the day.

Time for me to get to work now. My boss has �graciously� passed an assignment to me that her boss had asked her to work on. I can�t really tell her no, even though I know she�s going to try to claim credit for most of the work. Bitch. Lately this job has been starting to get on my damn nerves.

summerroll at 11:01 a.m.

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