Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005

Valentine's Day Sucks ASS (and so do periods for that matter)!

I had a wonderful Valentine�s 2005. It entailed going to the gym early in the morning, coming home and sleeping till 2 in the afternoon, washing my hair and shaving, and cleaning my entire apartment. Wonderful, romantic, and everything I could have hoped and dreamed for.

I realized yesterday that I have NEVER been involved with anyone on any Valentine�s day as far back as I can remember. That really sucks and it kinda shows how pathetic I am. The only good thing about yesterday�s Valentine�s was that since I was stuck inside all day, I was spared all the PDA by all the happy couples in love. Because that always makes the single people feel sooooo much better. Have I mentioned the I HATE Valentine�s Day?

I noticed this weekend that the only people who hate V-day are the single people, who are the same ones that are quick to change their tunes when they have someone in February. Are we bitter? Probably most of us are. But I would like to think that there are a handful of us out there that really aren�t just jealous (I swear), but realize that Valentine�s is a made up Holiday shoved down our throats, not just by Hallmark, but by most of the major corporations out there, including candy and flower companies, and the USPS and other shipping companies. They just want us to spend all our money to show something that we can say in 3 little words. And if you ask any female, she�ll tell you that those 3 words would make her cry on their own without the aid of chocolate and/or roses. But I wouldn�t know about that either. Okay, rant over.

In other news: I did get to speak to Gus last night. We made plans to go to the basketball game against Wake Forest tonight with his cousin. During our conversation, he asked me what my plans were for V-day night. I asked him, what would I possibly have planned (hint, hint, seeing as how I AM SINGLE and currently trying to change that situation with him). I think he got some of the hint. I was glad to find out, though, that he was spending the night alone watching TV from his couch. See, we are destined for each other, because I did the same thing. It�s true love, I tell ya. I�m excited to see him tonight. I spent extra time getting ready this morning for work because I�m leaving straight from here to main campus to meet him. It should be fun. And the game should be interesting, too.

This week, I�m trying out a scientific experiment on myself. Yes, I am the biggest science dork you will ever meet. After seeing the commercial for Seasonal (the new birth control pill that promises only 4 periods a year) and reading a bunch of articles and scientific journals that proclaim that it is safe to skip your period and it can be done with regular birth control, I decided to try it myself. Party because of scientific curiosity and party because I plan on getting laid at the end of this week and if I hadn�t taken on the experiment, my period would have started on Wednesday. But let�s ignore my selfish reasons and focus purely on the science. Anyway, instead of taking the placebos (the different colored pills at the end of the pack), I just went right into my new pack.

Now, the problem is that I feel a little bit queasy today. It could be due to the fact that this isn�t a blind experiment and since my brain knows I should be getting my period but the pills are sending my hormones and body a different signal, my brain is refusing to listen and just sending out the evil PMS messages anyway. It could be that the experiment just isn�t working and I will still receive a visit from Aunt Flo on Wednesday. Or, it could also be due to the fact that I�ve been eating nothing but candy all morning, which is never a good thing. Who knows?

During my �research� I did learn that it is not natural to have so many periods. Women in this day and age have an average of over 400 cycles. However, women in the past had only about 150-200. Why, you ask. Well women in the past didn�t do anything else but get pregnant and then raise their kids. We all know that when you�re pregnant you have 10 glorious months (or some what glorious) without a period. And back then the time waited before having another child was not years but practically months. Look at all the 30-40 something year-old people out there who have a sibling that is 10-11 months older or younger than them. Nowadays, women don�t have time to have kids. They�re too busy trying to kick ass in a world previously dominated by men. Instead, they just get their periods. Seems like a valid prize for moving up in the corporate world.

And here endeth the lessen. I hope whoever is reading this enjoyed my mini-scientific paper. I�ll probably add more to it at the completion of my experiment.

summerroll at 12:53 p.m.

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