Thursday, May. 12, 2005

Catching Up

I finally confiscated a laptop from work and brought it home with me. This way, I can write when things pop into my head instead of waiting till I get into work. By then, I usually forget.

This entry is from last night.

Let me start off by saying, if you don�t watch Veronica Mars, you should. What an incredible show. That was one of the greatest season finales I have ever seen. Watch it people! Reruns, DVD, next season; just watch it.

I had an interesting weekend.

It started Friday afternoon at 1:00. I had initially planned to go shopping for a dress for my friend�s wedding. That didn�t happen. My mom kept calling me because both her and the real estate agent were in my area and they wanted to look at places.

Half the places they wanted to look at were in locations that I specifically told them I did NOT want to live in. Of course my mom told the real estate agent otherwise. We went to look at a few places in the areas I was interested in.

What was cool was that two of the places for sale were located in 5 star hotels. What was not so cool was that one of the hotels offering a 1/1 for $189K was seriously just a hotel room: think the size of a small hotel room with a just a bed, a TV, and a bathroom. What I want to know is who the hell pays that kinda money for something the size of my living room. The other hotel had an actual residence. There was a full kitchen, a nice living room, a large bedroom with a walk-in-closet, and a large bathroom, plus washer and dryer. My mom is seriously considering this place because she likes to think that we�re high class. But the association fee is a whopping 500 bucks a month; so that�s in addition to the $900-1300 mortgage payments. I definitely cannot afford that.

The next place we looked at was in a nice area but it was small. It�s probably a little smaller than my place now, which I don�t really mind. What I do mind is that the owner wants $160k for it. It�s way over priced. The good thing is that she�s had it on the market for a month and she has already dropped the price by $15K, so maybe I can wait till it becomes a little more reasonable. It would be perfect for me because I don�t want to big a place anyway.

The other places we looked at were half the size of my current place and they wanted over $185K. Plus they looked like ass. Those people must be out of their damn minds.

I knew looking for a home would be overwhelming, but I didn�t think it would be this overwhelming. I feel like I�ll never find a place because everything is so damn overpriced, and the things in my range are really shitty. I either need to win the lotto or come up with a way to convince Trump, or some other equally rich person, that he is my dad.

Saturday night.

I called Gus to hang out because I hadn�t seen him in almost 10 days. He was helping his friend fix up the house she just bought. Somehow, in the process of hanging a ceiling fan, they caused the supporting beam to break and part of the roof to crumble in. Long story short, he had to help them fix that. He said he would call back a little later if he wasn�t too tired.

I ended up meeting up with Al and a couple of other coworkers from last summer. The ones who we always went out and got drunk with. Gus finally decided to come out around 1:00 and hang out with us too.

What sucks is that whenever we hang out with this group Gus keeps his distance from me. And it pisses me off every time. I think the main reason he does it is because one of our coworkers, Mike, has always had a crush on me, and always tries to come on to me, even though I have told him several times that we are just friends. When Gus and I were first starting to get together, Mike would always try to do something to make sure that we were never alone. For instance, one night we all met up at my house and carpooled to a club. When we got back, one of our other friends offered to take Mike home, cause they knew Gus was spending the night at my place. Mike was all, I want Gus to take me home, and wouldn�t let the other person drop him off. Gus, being the nice person he is, took him home, and probably for the same reason, won�t hold my hand or kiss me in front of him. I didn�t want Gus to take me on the bar, but he could have given me a kiss on the cheek or given me a little bit of attention especially since we hadn�t seen each other in a while. I was pissed when I went to bed that night, alone, but I got over it.

Sunday was absolutely horrible.

I woke up with a brain splitting headache. It was strange because I definitely didn�t drink as much as I usually do: I had 4 cups of beer and 1 drink; usually I have 1 1/2 pitchers myself. I think I might be coming down with something because the past couple days, I�ve had a bad headache that starts every night around 7.

I woke up around 7:30, my usual Sunday wake up time, but because I thought my head would explode, I stayed in bed until noon. Once I finally got up, I went to W@lgreens to drop off a prescription and pick up a gift bag for my mom�s Mother�s Day present. It took me 10 minutes to drop off the prescription, then it took me 10 minutes to wait in cashier�s line. When I finally got to the front, I realized that I�d left my wallet at home. Son of a bitch! I told the cashier to hold the gift bag/tissues for me and that I�d be back in a few minutes, which I was. Of course, she�d put my stuff back, and the bag was the only one left, and someone else bought it. I was beyond pissed. I just grabbed anything and left.

My next stop was the gas station. I inserted my debit card and when it asked for my PIN, I completely blanked. I could not remember it for the life of me. I knew the 4 numbers, but I couldn�t remember their order. As I drive to Office Depot, I think that I remember the right order. I buy my mom�s gift (a flash drive, my mom is still in the era of floppy disks), go to the counter, swipe my card; PIN still wrong. My mood continued to get worse.

I get to my mom�s. I suck up the bad mood and try to make it a nice Mother�s Day. I give her the present and she pretends to like it. At least she�ll use this gift. Most of my gifts she just throws in the closet and never looks at it again.

Then, she drops something on the floor and decides to sweep. Someone calls to wish her a happy M-day, and she says to them something like, �My kids are here sitting on the couch doing nothing while I clean the entire house. I thought it was supposed to be Mother�s Day.� I swear, sometimes that lady gets on my last fucking nerve. I didn�t say anything and just let her continue telling her tall tales. Then I went home when I had enough. The whole time, I was thinking that it was Mother�s Day so I shouldn�t be angry, but she wasn�t grateful for anything that my sister and I had done that day.

I had my job interview Monday. I will make $800 extra a month. Hell yeah!! I can definitely use it. I�ll most likely put most of it in my savings.

I�ll also start tutoring Nande�s sister in Calculus at $10-15/hour. This I�ll use as pocket money to go out and do other frivolous things with. If I can make enough extra money to only use a small percentage of my Museum paycheck, then maybe my withdrawals won�t equal my deposits, which has happened the past couple months, and I�ll actually earn money. That would be real nice.

I spoke to Morgan Monday night (which means I can expect my next phone bill to be around $100). It was nice talking to her. The last time we talked was in January. It�s really hard not being able to speak with your best friend when you want to. At least there�s only 3 more months left before I get to go visit her in Bolivia. I miss her so much. I really can�t wait till she meets Gus. I think she�ll like him a lot. Their personalities are very similar, probably one of the reasons I�m so attracted to him.

She did sound a bit depressed. I think she just misses home and family and friends. Plus, the guy she was dating just left town the day before we spoke. She said she thought it was just going to be a fling, but it ended up getting serious. Sounds familiar. But she�ll bounce back. I think this is the 3rd or 4th guy she�s found to date down there. It cracks me up because neither of us could find someone here, but in the middle of some 3rd world country, she�s been able to find 4. I guess that�s where all the men have disappeared to.

summerroll at 10:14 a.m.

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