Thursday, May. 12, 2005

How do Lazy People Get Jobs?

Today�s earlier entry is here . Well, actually it�s from last night, but whatever.

I spent 3 hours today outside in the hot ass sun cleaning snorkel equipment. Me and one other person. Everyone else is on vacation.

I hate people who go on vacation when there is a shit load of stuff to do. Our summer program starts in less than a month and the preparations have hardly begun. The other coordinator, Jay-W, doesn�t do shit, and now she�s gone for the next five days. So I guess I�m expected to do all the prep and all the work for the summer program, all while working on 3 other projects that take place before the summer.

I fucking hate lazy-ass people.

Last night I made a chicken casserole, using Kraft Sharp Cheddar Deluxe and Tyson canned chicken. It was good. And I can�t wait to go home so that I can eat leftovers.

I have finally managed to train my kitten, Ginger. Now, when I say, �Ginger, go to your basket,� she goes. Well, at least 30% of the time she does. But that�s pretty good because I�ve only been working with her for the past 3 days. Hopefully by the end of the week, it�ll become more like 70%. And then maybe she�ll sleep in her basket instead of on my couch, where she leaves behind a ton of hair and sand.

Since no one else is in today, I�m leaving earlier. I�m gonna plop down on couch, eat some leftovers, drink a Carona, and continue to try to train my kitty.

summerroll at 3:34 p.m.

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