Saturday, May. 14, 2005

The Worst

This is an entry from last night.

I have decided to can my real estate agent. If there is one thing I hate more than working with lazy people, it has to be working with dumb people. This lady just has no common sense. Plus, she just doesn�t know what the hell she is doing. That�s a bad, bad combination.

I really didn�t know what to do because she is one of my mom�s friends. But, I just sucked it up and told my mom. Low-and-behold, she thought the exact same thing that I did. A miracle, I tell ya, that my mom and I shared a similar thought.

We decided to just look for things ourselves, and maybe get another opinion on my pre-approval loan, cause we think the company the real-estate agency did it through low-balled me.

I just want a nice place. It doesn�t have to be huge or fancy. As long as I get what I pay for. If a place is $180k, I expect that the bedroom is NOT the size of a closet. That�s just an insult to my bank account. I might just go with a pre-construction buy, where I�ll most likely get a better deal, including having the closing cost paid for by the developers.

Yesterday on Starting 0ver (it�s like TV crack), a housemate was given the assignment to interview other people to find out the worst things they have ever done to someone.

I tried to think what the worst thing I�ve ever done was, but nothing popped into my head. But I knew there must be something. The only thing I could come up with was one time in high school, we were all signing up for some volunteer activity. Since my friend and I showed up a little late, there weren�t many time slots available. A girl named Jessica had signed up for one of the available slots that my friend thought that we should sign up for as well. I told my friend, �I don�t want to go in that time slot. I fucking hate Jessica [last name].� What I didn�t know was that Jessica was standing directly behind me. When my friend pointed out that she was there, I said, basically to Jessica�s face, �I don�t give a fuck. I don�t really like her anyway,� signed up for the other slot and walked away.

It was true; I didn�t like her. She was snooty and always tried to act like she was smarter than and better than everyone else. Plus, I never really made it a secret as to the people I didn�t like. I probably wouldn�t have said it as loud as I did if I knew she was there. But oh well. At least she knew from that point on how I felt.

Actually, a year or so later, we ended up becoming really good friends. And she told me that she remembered that day. I didn�t apologize to her, I just told her that was the way I honestly felt at the time and I didn�t feel like I should have changed my tune just cause she was standing there. She said she understood and wished more people would just be honest.

I don�t think that was really horrible, but that is honestly the worst thing I�ve ever done to someone.

So, I�ll throw the Starting 0ver question of the week out to some of you out there: What was the worst thing you have ever done to someone? It�ll probably be juicier than mine.

I had a really weird dream about Big Nimble last night. I dreamt that I was in the Bar. I don�t remember who I was there with, but I wasn�t alone. Big Nimble came in to work his shift, saw I was there, and made it his mission to kick me out. Not just verbally, but physically, like picking me up by the pants and hoisting me out of the door. I escaped before he could, though. I don�t know; it was weird.

Time for some Chinese food. Egg rolls�.yum.

summerroll at 11:56 a.m.

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