Saturday, May. 14, 2005

Ash and Lotion

My Chinese take-out was so damn good last night. I ordered 2 spring rolls, wings, ribs, and pork fried rice. I can�t wait to eat the leftovers.

Why is it that some leftovers are so much better than the fresh meal? Sometimes I�ll cook and only eat a little bit just to have leftovers for the rest of the week. I�m strange.

As I was enjoying my take-out, Gus called to go out. He and one of the married couples came over to my place and we walked to the Gr0ve.

We had a damn good time. We went to 4 different bars/clubs and drank, not too much, but enough, and danced. Gus is such a bad dancer, especially when he dances by himself. He does the �two-step� as he likes to call it, which is just basically his feet step and touching from side to side. And sometimes he adds the finger snaps. Last night he kept telling me, �Just let me know when you get too embarrassed,� but I was too busy laughing at him.

While we were out, he mentioned that he really missed me this week. I told him it was because he ignored me on Saturday, which he denied. But I reminded him; I was so neglected that night.

And it turns out that I was right. It was because of that coworker Mike. Gus said that when the 5 of us go out, he knows that Al is always trying to hook up with our other coworker, Jenni, which then makes it seem like 2 couples and Mike. So to avoid Mike feeling like the 5th wheel, he doesn�t get too close to me. And I guess that�s noble.

Gus did say that he would make it up to me. That, I�m looking forward to.

Although I went to bed alone last night, I felt good from my time out with Gus and his friends. And I woke up in an unusually wonderful mood this morning.

As I was coming in to work this morning I heard Crazy M@ria�s song (I don�t know the name). There�s a line in there that says something about �them chickens are ash and I�m lotion�. What? I get the context of the line, I think. I assume she saying that she�s better than someone. But where the hell did that phrase come from? How did it originate? And when did lotion become a good a thing? I guess if I had my choice to be ash or lotion, I would choose lotion too. It can�t be much fun to be ash cause you�d be dry all the time.

I�m thinking about this way too much. I need to get back to work.

summerroll at 5:24 p.m.

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