Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005

I Could Use One of Those

I can breathe a sigh of relief. Things have been resolved with the appraisal issues.

And guess what? Now they're making my original appraiser a certified L.Tree appraiser.

My question is, if it's so easy to do that now, why didn't they do that in the first place instead of 1) making me think I had to pay for another appraisal and 2) sending some other appraiser to work for 3 hours when they're not even using his report. These people make no sense.

Anyway, the closing is BACK ON for Monday. Yay!

Last night I think I became a little overwhelmed when I realized that I not only have to pack for a 2-week trip, but I also need to pack up and clean my entire apartment. I just didn't know where to start, so I did a little of both. It just seems like an awful lot to do in the next 5 days.

I just read in my Discover magazine that after many years of research and experiments, scientists have discovered that the parts of the brain that are responsible for fear, anxiety, and emotional control are deactivated when a woman orgasms.

I love that it took scientist years to figure out what every woman knows after her first genuine orgasm.

summerroll at 9:30 a.m.

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