Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2005

I think I'm paranoid

I just had a ultrasound done on my breasts

I was really worried they would find something simply because I've been having the worst luck the past couple days.

But they said everything was fine. I just naturally have lumpy-bumpy boobs and not to worry too much about it.

Thank goodness,

Tonight I'm going to see if I can purchase a car. I've been having bad feelings about that too, but I think I'm just being paranoid.

My mom called me this morning and left a message saying that she's going to look at her finances and see if she can help me out a bit. Although I could use some extra money for the downpayment on this new car, I really don't want to take anything from her. First she treated me like this was so insignificant because she had other things to deal with, like eating breakfast. Now she wants to be my savior so she can act like she cares. Whatever.

I just feel like everything is going the wrong way in my life right now. And i just don't know how to get it back on track.

summerroll at 2:38 p.m.

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