Sunday, Nov. 06, 2005

Allergies Suck

Went out last night at 1:45 am. It was Al's birthday, even though he didn't tell anyone, so I had to meet up with him and buy him the birthday shot. Especially since he turned 25. I don't know why that seems so old to me. I mean, I'll be 24 in 2 months, and I don't consider myself old. But all my 25-year old friends I think of as old-farts. It's weird.

Anyway, I got home at 5:30, then woke up at 9:30 to go to Job #2. I was pissed because I drove the 30 minutes out there only to find out that there was nothing for me to do. I hate when they do that to me. The least they could do is send me an email or give me a call, so that I don't have to spend an hour+ in my car.

I did, however, get to buy a new cell phone. The screen on my old phone decided to stop working the week of the hurricane. It's still under warranty, and I could have replaced it for free, but I've heard that this is a problem specific to that model, so most likely, it would have happened again; I decided just to get a new phone. Just a regular old phone, no camera, video, bells, or whistles. Literally. There were only 8 or 9 ring tones on this phone, all horrible. I think it's a conspiracy by the phone companies to make you purchase ringtones and wallpaper. I gave in, because I need a good ringer to motivate me to answer my phone.

While waiting in the parking lot before the phone place opened, I saw the most interesting car sticker; it said Marriage = Man + Woman. I just laughed at all the ignorant people there are in this world.

I just finsihed watching the movie Crash. It was incredible. I can't believe it took me this long to finally see it. So many great scenes. And every actor did their part justice. I loved bitchy Sandra Bullock; and who knew Luda could really act? I think I will have to own this movie.

I think I'm developing allergies. I've been sneezing non-stop since yesterday and I also got stuffy out of nowhere. No clue what is causing it. I've never really had allergies. I mean, when I lived in the dorms, I had slight allergic reactions mostly from the AC, probably because it hasn't been flushed in who knows how long and who the hell knows what kinda stuff is trapped in the vents. Once I moved off, the rashes and the constant sniffles were gone. Now I think the same thing is happening. It might just be that the room I taught in yesterday was the room where they kept most of the animals (turtles, tortoises, iguanas, snakes, ect.) from the Museum's Wildlife center during the hurricane. I don't know. I guess I'll just have to see how long it lasts.

summerroll at 7:57 p.m.

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