Saturday, Jan. 15, 2005


I have this problem. I call it my curse; some people think it's a good thing. What is it? Well, no matter what time I go to sleep or what state I'm in when I go to sleep, I always, ALWAYS, wake up sometime between 5:00 and 6:00 AM.

I hate it because sometimes, I can not fall asleep at all. I'll be so tired, I can't fall asleep. So I end up watching TV or reading. trying to make my self tired. And when this happens, I won't fall asleep until 3 or 4. Then, I automatically wake up around 5:30 , barely getting 2 hours of sleep. This has already happened to me 3 times this week. The only good thing is that I normally don't feel tired until the afternoon.

Another weird thing that happens to me is that I always have strange dreams. I never dream when I'm fully asleep. My dreams always happen between 4:30-5:30 AM (I'll wake up at 4:30, convince myself that it's too early to be awake and go back to sleep) so I'm half asleep, half awake. The point is the dreams are weird. For instance, last night I dreamt that I met Jada Pinkett Smith. Across the street from the Museum where I work is this small exclusive neighborhood where celebrities like Madonna, Sylvester Stallone, Will Smith, and others all own houses. In my dream, I was walking down the street and Jada Pinkett begged me to become the nanny for their 3 year old daughter. I accepted, even though I hate little kids. Anyway, there were some other things that happened in the dream that were weird but the details are a bit foggy. That tends to happen with all my dreams.

Today is Anne's birthday. I have to remember to call her when I leave work today. Tomorrow is my birthday. The big 2-3. I don't even feel like tomorrow is my birthday. I don't even have people to hang out with since most of my friends are out of the state or out of the country. It sucks having to celebrate a birthday alone. At least my family is treating me to dinner tomorrow. Hopefully I get steak. Yum!!

summerroll at 5:16 p.m.

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