Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Things are FINALLY Starting to Turn Around

It finally happened.

I knew that eventually, things would turnaround. I saw Gus this weekend and we spent time together. Let me start at the beginning.

In the previous entry, I mentioned that I�d spoken to Gus about work-related shit. Our program was having a workshop (this past weekend, actually), and we wanted Gus to come in and participate. I called him Friday night to make sure that he had received an email from me earlier in the week detailing what he would be doing and what time he would have to be there. He called me back and we talked work for a bit, then he told me that he would be in the area and that we should hang out, which, of course, was cool with me.

It turned out that Friday was his birthday and he was having inner with his family Downtown. Then he came over to my apartment. At first it was really weird seeing him because we haven�t seen each other since September, plus, I wasn�t too sure if he was still with Psycho girl or not. I showed him around, then we went to a couple of the bars nearby.

At the first bar, we sat at a table, ordered drinks, and just talked. It was as if the separation between us the past few months never existed. But that�s one of the main reason�s I like Gus: we�ve always been able to talk to each other as friends, with no weirdness at all. Anyway, during this talk he told me about the skiing vacation him and his friends plan to take during Spring Break (he�s a high school teacher) and that 7 of them are going: him and 3 couples. This is how I found out that him and psycho chick have been over since before Thanksgiving. (Yay!!!) Which would also explain why I started hearing from him around that time, also.

So while at the table, we were turned facing each other and our knees were rubbing and it was just�.refreshing. Then we went to another bar so that I could buy him a birthday pitcher. I think once I found out that he wasn�t with that girl anymore, I started turning it on a bit. We left after a while, since I had to work at 8 the next morning and he was coming in to help. He walked me to my door and then we kissed. A lot. I told him that I missed that and he told me that he loves kissing me. Then he left. Needless to say, I slept very well that night and woke up in an extremely good mood the next morning. And all that just from a kiss.

On Saturday, I worked my ass off at the damn workshop. Gus came in for a bit and we had lunch together with some of our kids and the participants of the workshop. I told Gus that we would be on the Beach later on that night with the Participants and he told me that he and a couple of his friends would be on the Beach also. We made plans to meet up. We didn�t get rid of the participants until 11:30 (yes, I worked from 8 to 11:30 on Saturday), and then I spent the next half hour trying to figure out if I should go home and change or try to get into the clubs looking the way I was looking. I decided it would be way too much trouble driving all the way home, changing, then driving all the way back out to the Beach. So my solution was just to take off a couple layers of clothes, showing just enough skin to get me into the South Beach clubs. Finally, I met up with Gus and his friends. Let me just say that Gus is 28 and every single one of his friends, except for him and another guy, are married. So whenever we hang out with Gus� friends it the single people vs. the married people. Don�t get me wrong, they�re all cool as shit, but there�s just something about hanging out with married people, especially when you are no where near getting married yourself.

Regardless, we had a great time. Gus kept kissing me on my temple and neck and telling me that he was glad that I could make it. And we held hands and hugged as we walked down the street. It was just a great ending to a shitty day. Later, he walked me to my car and we kissed in the parking garage for about 10 minutes. I wish we could have gone home together, but the kissing was just as good the second time as it was the first. We probably would have gone home together, but he drove 2 of his friends, who were waiting for him.

Seeing him for those two days just made me feel so damn good. I don�t know what it is he does to me, but I know that I like it and I like him. Hopefully, we�ll stay together this time and maybe even start a serious relationship. I�m actually gonna call him tonight, because on Friday we made plans to go to a UM basketball game.

summerroll at 11:28 a.m.

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