Thursday, Feb. 24, 2005

Root Canals Are Fun!

I saw my dentist on Tuesday to take care of my first cavity. Lucky for me, I had to get a root canal. It wasn�t as bad as everyone made it out to be. But I think I was in better shape than most people because there was no decay in my nerves. As my dentist told me, the decay had just exposed the nerves and hadn�t gotten a chance to destroy the root yet. Being the dork that I am, I had the dentist give me a mirror so that I could watch everything he was doing. I also had him explain everything. All in all, it took about 25 minutes, then I went home and slept. I didn�t even have any swelling or anything. I guess I was freaked out over nothing.

Gus and I went to the movies on Monday night to see Boogeyman. It had it�s scary moments, but they never fully developed the story and the ending just sucked. I did find out that Gus does not like scary movies. I was shocked. He said he�d rather watch psychological thrillers where people are the killers and not made-up monsters and stuff. I�m the exact opposite. I�d rather made-up monsters be the killers than actual people because I don�t like to think about people murdering other people, even though it happens all the time. Movies about rapists and murders scare the shit out of me because it could really happen to me. Whereas, I don�t worry too much about being attacked by were-wolves (tonight my sister and I are going to a sneak-preview of Cursed) and other creatures of the night.

Gus dropped a big bomb on me the other night. He told me that he and his best friend are trying out for the firefighter academy. His best friend is just trying out to be a fireman, but he is trying out to be a paramedic with the fire department. When he told me that, I just almost choked on my drink. That is exactly what Zane does. He works for the fire department as a paramedic. I started getting images of them being assigned to the same station and working together and becoming best friends or something. I know that this is highly unlikely, but my brain just can�t let go of those thoughts.

On the topic of Zane, I haven�t heard from him since our last phone conversation. I�d like to think that he�s finally given up, but I know he�ll pop up again in a couple weeks or so acting like we�re dating. If I honestly believed that Zane wanted to date me, I would maybe give it a try. But I don�t. I know he�s only interested in the sex, despite what he says. For instance, if he was serious about this dating business, he would have, at the least, called me to say hi on Valentine�s Day, just to show interest. But he didn�t. Just like when I told him my birthday was the next day and he didn�t bother to call to say Happy Birthday. It�s the little things like that that make all the difference.

Since Gus is starting his training for the firefighter academy (he�s trying out in a couple weeks), we won�t be seeing each other as frequently as we have been for the past month. Hopefully, we won�t lose touch like the last time, but I have a good feeling about this one. I think we�re on the right track now.

summerroll at 11:17 a.m.

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