Friday, Mar. 04, 2005

Blisters, Break-ins, and Boyfriends

Last night, I learned my first song, in it�s entirety, on my bass. It was Maroon 5�s �This Love�. I was very impressed with myself. I had originally found the bass tab to the song online and when I got home, half of it was completely wrong. I then had to listen to the song over and over again, pick out the bass line, and play it by ear until I got the correct notes. And I did it. Then I spent the next 3 hours trying to perfect it. As result, I now have a lovely blister right on the tip of my right index finger (making it extremely difficult to type or write) and I can feel blisters just under the surface on my left index finger and both of my middle fingers. Who knew playing bass would be so painful. I just hope that I don�t lose the girly softness of my hands to calluses because that would just be too gross. I might just have to give up the bass, or maybe start playing with a pick.

After I finished practicing the song, I let the Maroon 5 CD ride out. I�d forgotten how much I love that album. It is absolutely incredible and I�m glad they won best new artist. I�ve had the CD for almost 2 1/2 years, before there first single was even on radio and TV. No one heard or cared about them then except for me and my friend Alisha. And whenever we would tell other people about them, they looked at us like we were crazy. Then, they got huge and everyone jumped on the bandwagon, which was good for them. I wish more people would become music fans because of good music, instead of just liking the ones that the media and the music industry push down our throats (Asslee Simpson, I�m looking at you). But it�s also good when good music gets recognized for being just that, good music.

Alright. Off my soapbox.

Last night I had 2 dreams that really freaked me about because they were both about someone breaking into my apartment. In the first one, some creepy ass guy keeps knocking on my door. I don�t hear him at first because I�m in the bathroom. When I come out, I see him through the window, and he�s really, really creepy. He keeps telling me to open the door because he has a package for me, but I refuse to. I tell him to leave it outside and I�ll get it later and he sets it down and leaves. I go back to doing whatever I was doing in the bathroom and then remember about the package a little later. I open the door to get the package and it�s an old Yellow Pages. Then I notice that someone had tried to pry the window in the front of my apartment open without success.

In my next dream, I�m walking home with a couple of my friends. One of them goes on ahead off us because we�re walking to slow for her. When we finally reach the house, the front door opens and the friend that went ahead of us comes out. I asked her how she got into the house because I was pretty sure I locked everything up. She told me that the back sliding glass door (which leads from my patio to my bedroom) was open. I say, �No it wasn�t. I put the security bar down.� We walk into the house and some of my electronics are gone. Then we walk into the bedroom, and it looks like the sliding glass door was pulled completely out of the track. Also, in my room are all these flowers and gifts and shit, and I pick up a card on the bed that says something like, �I�ve been watching you,� and it�s signed Jod�, just like that with the accent and everything. I don�t know.

I woke up in kind of a panic. My apartment has been burglarized before, which is why I don�t have a computer at home. I ran out of the house one morning to a doctor�s appointment that I was late for and forgot to make sure the sliding glass door was locked, and when I came back, my laptop and pocket pc were gone. Luckily, those were the only things stolen. It just creeped me out that someone was in my bedroom and stole my shit.

Hopefully these dreams are just dreams and they don�t mean anything. The reason I�m so concerned is because I tend to have premonition dreams often, although, I never fully remember them when I wake up. I only recall the entire dream when what I dreamt about happens in my life and then I�m like, �Oh shit, I dreamt about this exact thing happening 2 weeks ago.� It�s never happened with a dream that I remember, but I�ve also never had 2 dreams, so vivid and clear, about the same thing in the same night either. I think that�s what�s freaking me out the most.

Gus and I are supposed to meet up tonight for Happy Hour. I haven�t seen him since last Sunday morning, so that should be nice. He left his silver chain at my house and I�ve been wearing it when I want to feel close to him. Stalker like, I know. But I wish we could see each other more than once week. It�s all this damn Miami traffic. We really live only about 15-20 miles away from each other, but the only way to either of our houses is by use of several main highways, expressways, and roads, including I-95, US1, and 826, all which I try to avoid like the plague. But I can live with once a week for now. Plus, he�s starting his firefighter training on Saturday, so once a week is probably all we�d be able to get anyway.

Now I�ll make the transition from pretending to work to actually working.

summerroll at 11:44 a.m.

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