Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005

I'm Starting to Hate My Job

I think I�m at the stage now where I�m over work. I�ve been here, almost 2 years, but 1 year as a full-time employee.

I never have a problem waking up in the morning, but I find that in the past month or so, I�ve had to convince myself to go to work.

My job isn�t horrible. I think it�s a combination of not liking most of the people that work here and having to sit in front of a damn computer all day long. I�m an outdoors person. I like sunshine. And if I must be inside, I should be in a lab or a classroom working on some cool experiment or research.

I think it�s time for me to move on. The problem is that I won�t get paid the kind of money I�m getting paid here somewhere else. And I still want to go to Grad school, but again, money becomes an issue.

I don�t know what to do. Either way, I�ll most likely be here for another year, which will give me time to save money and to accrue money in my retirement plan that I just signed up for 2 weeks ago.

This morning we had an Education Programs Staff Meeting. I hate those things. Most of the time it�s just he ass-kissers blowing hot air so that they can look like they�re doing valuable work when we know that they aren�t. And I love how some people just straight up go to sleep even though we�re sitting at a round table and everyone can see them, except for the boss since they�re usually sitting right next to her. I usually sit there and completely zone out while I pretend like I�m really paying attention. I tell you honestly that I cannot remember one thing that was talked about at this meeting unless it had something to do directly with me or my program.

I�m glad I have a day off tomorrow. I love comp days. I�ll have 5.5 days left, and that�s not counting the days I will have (probably about 8 more) after our Spring Break trip.

I forgot to mention that last Saturday, Gus and I had incredible sex, for 2 hours, on the couch, again. I orgasmed 3 times. When we were done, I felt like he had enjoyed it, but he hadn�t cum. I think he holds back sometimes. So I gave him a blowjob, probably one of the best I�ve ever given, and at the end, he said, �Wow, that was cosmic.�

I usually don�t like giving blowjobs. And this is the first one I�ve given Gus since the summer. I had a really bad experience with the first one I ever did and with subsequent ones after that, and now, I really have to want to do one, for the person, in order to do one. And I did on Saturday. And I�m glad he liked it.

The weather here has been atrocious the past couple days. Yesterday it was dark and cold and it basically rained for 24 hours. Today, it�s a little better. It�s in the 50s outside but there is not a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining bright.

Ann is in town, and every time she comes down here she brings that horrible Upstate NY weather with her. I told that she�s a jinx and it only happens because she�s super pale and needs to tan, badly. If she was smart, she would get the tanning business out of the way today instead of waiting for tomorrow. Knowing this weather, it probably won�t last and the clouds will be out in force again tomorrow.

Man, I am hungry. The past few days I have been eating like a pig. And what makes it worse is that I haven�t been to the gym since Monday. When the weather is so shitty, it�s really hard to stay away from my bed and the fleece blanket and the comforter. And once I get in, it�s pretty much guaranteed that I�m not getting out. I won�t even get up to fix dinner. The bathroom, maybe, but I�d have to be on the verge of pissing myself. Maybe I�ll try to go to the gym tonight, but I doubt it. I can tell that this is going to be an entire �no gym� week. And I�ve been doing so well. Since I got my membership, I�ve been going 3 to 5 days a week. And this is the only week that I�ve missed. Hopefully, I�ll pick up where I left off next week and stop being a lazy ass.

summerroll at 2:10 p.m.

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