Wednesday, Mar. 09, 2005

I Had A Long Night....2

....and now a long afternoon after dealing with entry. In an effort to try to fix the link in this entry, I somehow ended up losing the last 2 sections, so I'm going to copy and paste those sections here and hope that it works.

My experiment this month was a success. I had absolutely no problems at all. It was nice to not have to think about �women�s troubles� for 2 whole months. Now, I am on the placebos of the second pack, so I�m due for my period by today or tomorrow. I�m just hoping that it�s not too heavy since it�s been a while. I guess that�s the last part of the experiment. God, I am a loser.
Now it�s time for lunch, which also means that it�s time for Passi0ns, my guilty pleasure. The best part is that I discovered that I can get channel 6 on the radio, so I can listen to Passi0ns on my drive home without missing any of it. And that, sadly, excites me.
Finally got the damn link to work but somehow I bolded the rest of the entry. Damn computers!

summerroll at 3:40 p.m.

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