Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2005

I Think My hEad is About to Explode

I woke up this morning feeling like complete ass. My throat is sore and my head feels like it�s stuck in a vice-grip. Hopefully, this is just a 24-48 hour something, because the last thing I need right now is to be sick on a 4-day overnight trip with 24 loud-ass juniors.

Saturday night, I went out with Al and Becca, another of our co-workers. We got incredibly trashed. Then, Al started going after Becca, which didn�t bother me in the least, at least up until I had to dance with some fat dude, so that they could get some alone time together on the dance floor. What I noticed after that night is that the only girls I�ve ever seen Al go after are girls who have boyfriends. If someone had asked me if Becca was his type, I would say no, with conviction. Actually someone did ask me that and I said no, with conviction. But, I guess I was wrong because apparently Al�s type is anyone with a man already.

Gus and I met up on Sunday afternoon. We went to eat lunch and then we saw �R0bots� (that was his choice, but it was pretty entertaining). I noticed that this was the first time that I really didn�t know what to say to him and I think that�s partly due to the fact that Al, who is ALWAYS up in our business, told me that the last time he spoke to Gus, he asked Gus what was up with him and me, and he told Al that we were just friends. That really got to me, but then I realized sometime after that the last time he spoke to Gus was about 5-weeks ago when we had just started to reconnect again.

It�s moving day today. Our department is finally switching offices with another department. We�re moving out of the front office to a space ALL the way in the back, away from the president, and vps, and all the other annoying people. I say finally because we were supposed to move before New Years. I�m glad we�re gonna have our own space now.

Now it�s time for a lovely meeting with our VP that is probably gonna be an hour or 2 of useless talk.

summerroll at 1:02 p.m.

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