Thursday, Apr. 28, 2005

Still Bored

I�ve been here 5 hours and what have I done?

It�s not like I don�t have stuff to do. I do. But since I�m the only one here, again, I feel unmotivated to do any work.

And surfing the Internet doesn�t help. I only like 3 sites: this one, TWoP, and Hissyfit. And I can only think of so many things to Google. After about 25 minutes I�m bored out of my mind. I don�t understand how some people can surf the Internet for hours at a time, day in and day out, and STILL find interesting stuff to look at. I must not be that good of a searcher.

Man, I don�t know who else out there watches Starting 0ver, but damn was it good yesterday. That Tess chick is not only a drama queen, but she�s crazy as well. There hasn�t been this much excitement and drama since sweaty DeBORah stormed out of the house after they found out she was pregnant, even though she claimed to be have been celibate for 6 years. Now that is daytime TV. I�m glad something is happening because it has been getting really boring the past couple weeks.

Time for my lunch break. Since no one else is here, I�ll go ahead and take longer than an hour. I get so excited during lunch time because I can listen to Passi0ns on the radio as I drive home, catch the rest of it on my couch, then listen to the Pe0ple�s Court on my drive back. It�s the little things in life that make me happy.

summerroll at 2:20 p.m.

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