Tuesday, May. 24, 2005

Watch Out All You Charmin Lovers!!

It really freaks me out when people go through my trash.

As I was leaving for work this morning, I saw that all our trash bags were lying next to the can, and holes were ripped in them. Whoever did it could have been looking for anything from food to ways of stealing my identity. It must take a lot of desperation to search through garbage.

Ever since I walked outside a few months ago and saw a couple rummaging in my trash I�ve been so paranoid. I now rip everything that has my name on it into tiny little pieces.

I have so much shit to do this week, but I have 3 comp days (4 after Mem0rial Day) to use up before June. And I intend to use them. I�m not losing any days off, especially since I�ve been busting my ass for the past couple months while other people have just sat on theirs.

Here�s my Weekend.

As I was driving home after an extremely long day at work, I got a call from my mother. She was on her way home from one of my sister�s speech competitions. She lost to someone worse than her because she was under the time limit.

After we talked about my sister�s competition for a few minutes, my mom asked me if at the end of my competitions, did each student have to introduce themselves and their parents. We never had to do that. So then she says that during that part of the competition, after a student said that her parents weren�t there, she started to think back on how many times I was dropped off at competitions and that she barely saw me perform. I corrected her. She NEVER went to any of my competitions. She seemed shocked that I said that to her; and she claimed she didn�t realize. Then she said, �I apologize for never supporting you, if it means anything now. I know it�s probably 5 years too late, but I�m sorry. I was most likely so self-absorbed in my own life back then. I can�t imagine how you must have felt.� Truer words have never been spoken. I�m glad she finally realized. The apology made me feel a little bit better, but not much, because I didn�t want an apology, I wanted someone to a give a shit about me back then. But I guess you have to take what you can get.

After that, my mom started to tell me that my 6-year old cousin, J2, has his first girlfriend. Apparently, he told his dad, my uncle, as they were driving somewhere, and my uncle pulled the car over to the side of the highway, got out of the car and started to dance. He was overjoyed that his son was not gay as he had feared.

I asked my mom what made him think that J2 was gay. Well, when J2 was potty trained, he copied his mother and would wipe his weewee with toilet paper every time he tinkled. Yeah, I don�t know what that�s supposed to mean.

And that somehow brought the conversation back to me. One of my aunts asked my mom if I had a boyfriend. My mom told her that she didn�t know because I like to keep my business to myself, but she didn�t think that I did. So of course, if you don�t have a steady boyfriend by the time you�re 20, then the only possible explanation is that you like girls, which is what my aunt then asked. My mom told her that she doesn�t think that I�m gay but if I was she wouldn�t be surprised. In my head, I�m saying, what the hell is that supposed to mean. My aunt got upset and asked my mom why she would think something like that since �there is no one in our family, and there has never been anyone in our family, who has been like that.� And my mom told her, �well not on our side of the family, but she has aunts on the other side that are bi. So if she is gay that�s where it would come from.�

So apparently, homosexuality can be passed down through generations. And, using toilet paper will turn you gay. Who knew?

It�s nice to know that ignorance is alive and kicking.

I went up to visit my mom and my sister for a bit before I met up with Gus. My mom was kissing my ass and trying to be all extra nice to me and stuff. Gus said I should�ve either hit her up for money or tried to make her feel really guilty. I didn�t do any of that. Instead whenever she asked me anything about my life, I gave her one word answers or a lot of yeah�s, uh huh�s, and uh uh�s, until she realized that she wasn�t getting any info out of me.

Gus and I went to see St@r Wars. We thought it was great, although Gus calls the actor that plays Anak1n the �worst actor ever�. He�s definitely not 0scar worthy, but he was okay in the movie; his evolution of the character from good to confused to evil was spot on.

I went to the gym for the first time in 2 weeks. I had a great workout: first the elliptical for 15 minutes, then 30 minutes of inferno abs and buns. I think I might start working out twice a day, maybe jogging in the morning and the gym in the afternoon/night. I just want to get seriously toned: nice arms, nice back, nice legs, nice abs. I don�t really have any weight to lose, so I�m gonna concentrate on toning up.

I went on a mission to the mall to find a shawl or wrap to go with my new dress for my friend�s wedding. Every store I went to, they either didn�t know what the hell I was talking about, or they didn�t carry any.

I went to Limited and found a cute mini-sweater that matches perfect with my dress. I also found some nice cropped pants and some nice dress shirts for work. Everything was on sale, but I still ended up spending $180. I should feel bad about spending that much money, but at least they weren�t frivolous purchases. I needed them. I have no work clothes, just a ton of jeans, so they�re good additions to my wardrobe. Limited�s �Drew fit� pants are now my favorite pants. They fit me perfectly. It�s so hard for me to find pants that fit well. The only bad thing is that they�re a little too expensive for me. I�ll have to wait till there�s a sale so I can buy more.

summerroll at 12:03 p.m.

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