Sunday, Jun. 26, 2005

I guess that Pizza at 2 am wasn't such a hot idea

I might have found a place. I don't want to say too much about it in case I don't get it. But I will keep looking just to have a back up. Looking for a place is stressfull, especially when you can only afford a certain amount and everything "nice" is out of your price range.

Damnit, I hate when people start sharing a brain. I don't want to get into it right now, but all I have to say is this: think for your damn self and come up with an original thought every once in while.

I'm so tired right now. I spent all day Friday in the Everglades. Our kids got an airboat ride. It was cool. Then from work, I went to friday night Happy Hour at 5:00 and I didn't get home until 3 am. Woke up and made it to work for 8 am. Came home, cleaned, did not take a nap, and went on a bar crawl from 8pm to 3 am, only to waske up this morning at 7 to leave again for work.

I'm running myself into the ground. I haven't worked out in about 3 1/2 weeks and I feel it. My body just seems off. I'm hoping to start hitting the gym again this week since I'm a little more used to my new work schedule. Last week, I definitely wasn't as tired as the first week I started working both jobs. I just need to figure out when I can go work out. The gym is open till 11, but I can't see myself there after 8:30.

This is too much info, but I am farting some toxic fumes right now. They're usually odorless, but my gosh, it's a good thing no one else is around because they would probably be knocked unconscious.

summerroll at 8:16 a.m.

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