Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005

Things are Blurry

I'm about to go home from Job #2 in a few minutes. I'm a little bit cross-eyed from analyzing benthic photos for the past 4.5 hours (50 photos with 100 points on each to id). I wait to go lay lazily on my couch for about an hour before I go to my actual bed to sleep.

I did get sleep last night. I guess there was no more action to be heard from my neighbor.

I'm a bit worried about Gus. I called him Friday night to say hi and ask him how his week was before I started to drink. He called me back and left me a message saying that he would talk to me the next day. He never called. So I called him again Saturday afternoon, hoping that we would be able to meet up for lunch or just to hang out since we haven't seen each other in over 2 weeks. He never called me back.

I know that he's super busy, because I'm just as busy with these 2 jobs, and I know that he doesn't have a lot of time in the world. I'm not even asking for him to make time for me. I don't need to see him or talk to him everyday. But I would like to talk to him every once in a while (about once a week) and see him occasionally (maybe every 2-3 weeks). Most of the girls I know deman their boyfriend's attention 24/7. I don't need that. I just need to know that he still cares and that he's still interested.

I don't want to get to upset about this because, like I said, I know he's busy, and extremely stressed out as well. Plus, I know that I'm blowing the whole "it's been 2 days and he hasn't called me back" thing a bit out of proportion. But a call just to say anything, wouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Plus, I've never really had this problem before since I never really cared if a guy called me back since I was never really interested in most of them anyway.

I'll stop bitching now so that I can take my 30 minute drive home.

summerroll at 8:55 p.m.

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