Monday, Jul. 11, 2005

Heading West

I am tired. And I still have about 45 minutes of work left to do here at Job #2. Plus, when I get home, I have to pack for my trip to Key West. I'll be there the rest of the week. It's not a fun trip (I wish it was a vacation). I'm chaperoning 13 hormonal high school Juniors and supervising their 2 mentors. And then I get to do it all again next week with another trip to South Carolina (I HATE long drives). But that one is with the seniors and they are SUPER hormonal and love "hooking up" as in hooking up. There's only about 8 of them, but it'll seem like there's 20.

I've been watching that "Into the West" miniseries on TNT. I absolutely love it, especially because it tells both sides of the story.

I swear that this show has me in tears every 5 minutes. We all know that the Native Americans got the raw end of the deal when it came to this "manifest destiny" crap. But to see that most of it was out of the "white-man superiority complex" and just plain hatred/evilness is a hard thing to look at. I mean, was it really necessary to murder an entire village just to build a railroad, even after a truce was agreed upon by both sides, well really by the indians, while the American general lied through his teeth. And that was one of the more historically accurate parts of the movie. I don't know. It's just heart wrenching to watch that and then see the state of Native Americans today.

Oh well. Enough of that. Time to get back to work.

summerroll at 8:27 p.m.

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