Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005

I Have the Worst Luck with Laptops

My trip to Key West is over. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and my kids all had a great time.

I did, however, return with no voice, a nasty sinus infection, and a cracked LCD screen on the laptop that I've owned for less than a month now. I have to attempt to get healtier in the next day and half so that I won't be too sick on the next fieldtrip (this Monday to Friday - South Carolina). I also need to find out how I'm going to get my laptop screen fixed. Everytime I try to save money, something happens to burn another hole in my pocket. Hopefully, it won't be too expensive.

I haven't done any work here today, plus, this sinus infection (and the Sudafed I took to fight it) is making me really sleeply.

I'll be going home now.

summerroll at 11:16 a.m.

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