Monday, Jul. 25, 2005

Random Thoughts

Almost 9 o'clock and I still have five more photos to analyze (each photo takes anywhere from 4 to 9 minutes depending on how much crap [organisms] is actually in it).

I'm exhausted, and as I'm going through these photos, I'm asking myself, "why the hell did I get a second the evening?" I know that I'm a morning person. These 4:30 to 9 hours are kicking my ass. But I'm gonna suck it up because I can use the extra monay on my condo downpayment, and I can use the work I've been doing to secure a job in my actual field.

So no more bitching. At least for tonight.

I've noticed that all of the elevators I have ridden in lately only have the "Door Open" button. What happened to "Door Close"? What if you're in a situation where you're running from a psycho killer/rapist or strange hybrid creature that wants to eat you for dinner? What do you do if the elevator is the only thing standing between your life and your death and you realize there is no "Door Close"?

I've been thinking about that. But I've also been wondering if those button actually make the operation go faster or are they there just to make you feel better, like the crosswalk/pedestrian buttons.

summerroll at 8:48 p.m.

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