Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005

Just "Bich"ing

Yesterday, I received all the estimates on what my closing costs will be: almost $5000. I nearly shit myself.

For the next couple months, I will be living on bread, water(from the tap), and cheetos. Then, hopefully, finances will get better when I get my automatic raise at the beggining of the fiscal year. I think I get something like a 5% raise, which really isn't much, but it makes a difference in my bank account (which will look pathetic in about 2 weeks).

I'm gonna spend the better part of this morning figuring out exactly what I will need to spend and how much money I'll have left over.

I finally told me mom that I was going to South America for my 2-week vacation. She basically started freaking out, a little bit, then she started telling me that I need to look at the weather and look at this and that and do this and that. I swear, she really does think I'm 15 years old.

I didn't even really need to tell her that I was going. I'm grown goddamit. And I'm spending my own money. And i just told her out of courtesy so that she would know just in case something happens (you never know with those foreign countries). Anyway, she just really got me fed up, which is why I didn't want to say anything in the first place.

So my mom and sister are making the final move to Atlanta this Thursday. Part of me wants to say good riddance. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm sad that they're leaving. Unfortunately, I'm not. I'll miss them a little bit, but honestly, when they lived here, I saw them once a week for a few painful hours. I love my family, but I just don't fit in with them.

summerroll at 8:28 a.m.

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