Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005

Fue Una Tortura

I had a very interesting time after I left the Museum yesterday.

I spent an hour and a half at the doctor's office just so that I could pee in a cup and for the doctor to tell me that there is more protein in my piss and that I should get my kidneys checked out. I've already had my kidney's checked out, along with a bunch of other uncomfortable procedures. So he gave me a note to ake to my primary doctor. The doctor i went to see yesterday is just a urologist and I am always the only patient in there under 49.

Because i wasn't expecting to stay there that long, I was starving when they finally let me out aroun 4:30. And I had a craving, well I had 2 cravings: lasagna and sushi. So off the the ggrocery store I went.

First, of all, we all know that I have no food in my house. I refused to shop this summer because I knew I wasn't going to be home most of the time, and the times I was at home, I was sleeping.

This was my first time at the grocery store in about 2 months maybe more.

Regardless, I either want sushi or lasagna. I don't know which. My grocery store makes both of them fresh. I couldn't decide between them so I bought them both.

As I walked to the register, I managed to drop both of them on the floor. The lasagna was safe, but the sushi container came open and all the little rolls tumbled out. Luckily, there was no one in the aisle with me, so I quickly scooped it up, hit behind the rows of olive oil glass bottles that were in front off me, and went back to the sushi section for another one.

I get into the express lane and there is this guy standing in front of me. He is dirty and reeks of cigarettes and weed. He's buying a six-pack of beer and he looks really frustrated. He turns around to me and says that the conveyor belt thing has alot of smapce on it and he couldn't understand why some people needed to use it all for themselves.

Apparantly, the guy in font of him and spread out all of his food the entire lenght of the belt. So dirty guy tells me that he made sure to count all the guy's items, because if he had more than 10, he would have been pissed. But the guy only had 7 items, so the dirty man couldn't hate him anymore because "seven is God's number. Whenver God bought things, not that God went and bought them on his own, he had people to do that for him. But when God bought things, he always bought in sevens. So that guy is using God's number and I can't hate him anymore."

I didn't know what to say and the best I could come up with was, "Oh really?" Then dirty guy, told me he was excited because as soon as he got his beer, he was going to the beach. Then he proceeded to lift up his shorts to show me a nasty spider bite that he had gotten a few months ago that he was on antibiotics for. But, the antibiotics weren't working because they were made by man, not God. But God made salt, so salt from the ocean would cure the bite. Then, as he was paying for his beer, he said, "Salt is the white man's medicine", then he took off.

I never understand why all the crazy people come to talk to me. I attract them everywhere I go.

I finally spoke to Gus last night. Although it was breif. It was obvious we hadn't spoken in such a long time because he didn't know about my condo or my trip or anything, and I didn't know that he was about to finish with all his EMT training classes and take his finals this week and next week. I felt good talking to him, but I wish we had gotten to speak for longer than 5 minutes (his phone was dying). He said he'll call me back tonight, so we'll see. I've really missed him this summer and I hope I get to see him before I leave for South America.

summerroll at 8:08 a.m.

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