Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2005


I watched the Biggest Loser finale last night. I didn�t watch it all season, but I did see the first episode and I felt it was only right to see the last one. I love seeing the transformations of these people over the course of how ever many months they had to lose weight and get healthy.

The best was the guy who went on the show at 401 lbs. He was nothing but a head, fat, and flab. Last night, he was all lean muscle. He�d lost something like 168 pounds! Almost 50% of his original body weight! It was incredible.

When you see something like that, it lets you know that there is no reason why people can�t get healthy�.besides laziness. I�m not saying that everyone out there needs to be thin. Many of the people on the show last night where not thin; but they had a good size, and they were healthy. They probably added several years to their life.

It made me feel bad that I didn�t go to the gym last night. Well, I was still tired from Monday�s workout, and I had a headache, most likely due to sitting in a hot ass office all day. The Museum began the replacement of the building�s air conditioning system. This building does not have many windows, and the few windows there are DON�T open. So you can imagine how horrible it was in there. And no amount of fluid helped to cool me off.

Tonight is my SAT prep class. I made a deal with my kids that if we would have no class the day before Thanksgiving if they promised to study/practice on their own. I had them all sign up at this prep website that tracks everyone�s progress and sends me an email to let me know how long they spent on the site during the week. None of them went on in the past 2 weeks. So tonight, when they come in for class, they will have to do a full SAT test, as if it was the real SATs. Mwuhahaha! They are going to be pissed and I am going to enjoy watching the looks on their faces when I hand them the test. (Wrings hands with evil planning.)

summerroll at 10:04 a.m.

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