Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005

Pizza Ban

Dammit! I always have the worst time ordering pizza. I ordered one at 6:45 from Papa John�s. They said it would take an hour, which I didn�t mind, because they usually give you a longer time period, but end up delivering earlier anyway. Eight o�clock comes and there is still no pizza. Ten minutes later, I get a phone call from PJ�s asking if I had placed an order tonight. I told them I did. Then they asked if it was for pick up. And I told them it was for delivery. They said that I should have my pie shortly. Ten minutes later my phone rings again. The guy tells me that my order will take a lot longer, but the manager has given the ok to give me a 3-dollar discount. I laughed in his face and repeated it. Three dollars? That fucking pizza should be half-off. But whatever, if I cancelled the order, I would have to order somewhere else or actually get up off my ass to cook, and both of those would take just as long.

The last time I ordered pizza, I called a Pizza Slut that is literally a mile away from me. When I gave them my address, they said I called the wrong location and gave me a number for another one. That one told me the same thing and gave me a number for a different one. This happened two more times, until the last place I called gave me the number to the original PH I�d called 20 minutes ago. It was for that reason I decided to go with PJ�s today.

I guess next time I�ll go with Dominoes.

My pizza was FINALLY delivered. And you know what the delivery guy said to me?

�Are you the one whop ordered a pizza for pick-up and then changed your mind?� I gave the guy the look of death and then said, �No. I ordered for delivery. Someone on that end screwed up.�

He gave me a, yeah, whatever, look then asked me for $18.25. I told him I was told there was 3 dollars off so I was only giving him $15.25. And he was like, �no one told me that.� And I was like well that�s all I�m paying bitch! Ok, well not really. I just handed him the 15 bucks and took my box.

And would you believe that after all that, they gave me the wrong pizza! There�s ham and olives on there, two things I�m not particularly fond of, and no mushrooms, which is what I really wanted with the pepperoni and sausage. Fucking bastards.

I was so proud of myself today: I walked to Walgreen�s about a mile away. I always feel bad when I drive there because it�s so close. But it�s usually so hot and humid that the guilt goes away as I get cooled from my car�s a/c during the minute long drive. It was an easy walk. Only 10 minutes. And the weather is so nice out now: not too cold and not too humid. Perfect.

I didn�t mention this in my last entry, but I called Gus Friday night. I wanted to see if he�d meet up with me so that we could have a few drinks or dinner and talk. He was on his way out to a Christmas party with one of his buddies. And Saturday was his parents� 35th-anniversary. So I didn�t even bother asking. He would be busy all weekend, as usual. At least I made an attempt. I�m not going to call again though. It�s his turn.

My mom and her fianc� pimped my place last night. I�m glad that the walls are finally 100% painted. I won�t get that �what happened there?� question. My mom got a lot of flowery paintings and shit, which are not my style. But I figure I�ll leave them for now until I can get more stuff and rearrange a bit. I was very grateful that they spent the afternoon doing this for me considering my mom usually doesn�t give a shit. It was a nice change.

Ugg. Don�t EVER drink 7up Plus. It tastes like carbonated Robitussin. I think I�m gonna puke.

summerroll at 9:35 p.m.

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