Tuesday, Aug. 01, 2006

A Quick Update

I just realized that I haven't updated in quite a while. And it's not like I don't have stuff to talk about. I've just been too tired and too unmotivated to write.

So here's a quick update:
* Jay-W, the bane of my existance at work, has departed. The bad part about that is that she wasn't fired (like she should have been), and I know they are expecting me to take over her responsibilities (which I'm not looking forward to because I'm pretty sure she hasn't put any effort into that position since she got it).

* In anticipation of my supervisors giving me more responsibility with out the pay (Jay-W was making in the upper $40k's to sit on her fat ass all day doing nothing, while I'm struggling in the mid $30k's and doing all the work), I have started applying for other jobs that will actually give me real compensation for the stellar work that I produce. Unfortunatley, most of the jobs I have applied for are an hour or more drive from my home; but they'll be worth it because they'll be more in my field and the pay will be better than the crap I get now.

* Gus and I have been conversating. We hung out Friday night (unfortunatley no sex) with the group that works for me. The two of us talked a lot about life and where we (individually) plan to be in the near future with our careers and what not. And I came to a few realizations about our "relationship".

* I never ended up getting the puppy for a couple reasons. One, at 5 weeks, it was beyond huge; I think the dad had to have been a St. Bernard or something because those puppies were monstrous, but cute. Two, the chick who had originally claimed the one I was going to get finally decided at the last minute to adopt her. I guess, it worked out for the best because it would have been like having Clifford the Big Red Dog living in my tiny-ass condo.

* My kitty goes under the knife tomorrow. :^( I'm finally getting her spayed. I feel so bad because it just seems like such a horrible procedure. Plus I feel like I've been decieving her, you know, with getting her all comfortable with the traveling kennel (by giving her yummy snakcs everytime she lays in it). It's going to be like a betrayal when I lock her in there and drive her to some strangers who will cut her open. My poor kitty. She's gonna hate me forever.

* I can't believe that LC chose bloated-ass Jason over Paris. Paris! And she claims she wants to work in fashion. Hmmp! Dumb-ass!!!

summerroll at 10:39 p.m.

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